Below you will find videos and supplemental material for each of your modules.
Recording of the LIVE workshop
Day 1
Day 2
Module 1: Birth assistant expectations and duties
Module 2: Arrival at a Birth
MODULE 3: ChartingMAWS Conference Charting Powerpoint FILE
Download paper chart blanks to practice charting.
MODULE 4: Birth assistant skills
How to Take a Blood Pressure
Placenta Inspection
Audio Learning Blood Pressure
Leopold's Maneuvers
MODULE 5: Normal labor & birth
Very hands off home delivery
MODULE 6: Medications, homeopathics & herbs
Drawing Medications from a Vial
Drawing medication from an Ampule
MODULE 7: Birth COMPLICATIONS & emergencies
McRoberts Position
Estimating Blood Loss - Waterbirth
Shoulder Dystocia
Blood Loss Estimation- Not midwifery related but great visual
MODULE 8: Ethics and professionalism
older video recordings